COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR105 REV.0 JULY 2001CHAPTER 2 NEW FUNCTIONS2-9• When the ADF Is ClosedWhen the ADF is closed, the machine-side sensor goes ON as soon as it is closed to 30°or lower [3], causing the machine to assume that the ADF is starting to close; 4 sec thereaf-ter, the machine assumes that the ADF is fully closed [4].F02-207-03MemoDetecting the Size of an OriginalThe GP605 (iR600) is designed assuming that the ADF is fully closed 3 secafter the machine-side sensor is ON. It compares the sates of the originalsize sensors when the machine-side sensor goes ON and 3 sec thereafter toidentify the size of the original on the copyboard glass. If the user, there-fore, does not close the ADF within 3 sec after the machine-side sensorgoes ON, the GP605 (iR600) can wrongly identify the size as being A3.In the case of the machine, it uses 5 sec for the detection of original sizewithout affecting the first copy time (i.e., by making use of the 2 sec re-quired by the fluorescent lamp to go ON).90030 [3][4]