PREFACEThis Parts Catalog contains listings of parts used in the iR105. Diagrams are providedwith the listings to aid the service technician in identifying clearly, the item to beordered.Whenever ordering parts, consult this Parts Catalog for all of the information pertainingto each item. Be sure to include, in the Parts Request, the full item description, the itempart number and the quantity.Canon Inc.Office Imaging Products Quality Assurance Center5-1, Hakusan 7-chome,Toride-city, Ibaraki 302-8501, JapanCOPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC.Printed in U.S.A.Imprimé au U.S.A.Use of this manual should bestrictly supervised to avoiddisclosure of confidentialinformation.COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. CANON iR105 REV.0 AUG. 2001-2