COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR2200/iR2800/iR3300 REV.0 MAR. 2001CHAPTER 2 ORIGINAL EXPOSURE SYSTEM2-17 R6) Disconnect the connector [1].7) Remove the screw [2], and detach thecable fixing plate [3].F02-501-038) Push the No. 1 mirror base, and movethe No. 2 mirror base [1] as far as thecut-off in the frame; then, free the cable[3] from the pulley [2].When mounting the lamp, takecare not to twist the cable [3].F02-501-045.1.2 After Replacing the Scanning LampExecute ‘CCD auto adjust’ in servicemode, and record the updated CCD adjust-ment data on the service label.1.COPIER>FUNCTION>CCD>CCD-ADJCCD Auto Adjust2. All items underCOPIER>ADJUST>CCD.CCD Adjustment Data[1] [2][3][2][1][3]