COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR2200/iR2800/iR3300 REV.0 MAR. 2001CHAPTER 8 PAPER DECK-L18-37 P3.4 Feeding Mechanism3.4.1 Removing the Deck Pickup Unit1) Remove the upper cover. (p. 8-22P)2) Remove the deck releasing grip [1].3) Disconnect the two connectors [2], andremove the five screws [3]; then, detachthe deck pickup unit [4].F08-304-01When mounting the deckpickup unit [1], be sure to fitand tighten the three screws [2]indicated in the figure in ad-vance.F08-304-023.4.2 Removing the Deck Pickup Roller1) Remove the deck pickup unit. (item3.4.1)2) Turn over the deck pickup unit, and re-move the resin ring [1] (1 each); then,detach the two deck pickup rollers [2].The deck pickup roller has aspecific orientation (direction ofrotation). Pay attention to itwhen mounting it.F08-304-03[2][3][3][3] [3] [1][4][1][2][2][1]