COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR2200/iR2800/iR3300 REV.0 MAR. 2001CHAPTER 4 TROUBLESHOOTING IMAGE FAULTS/MALFUNCTIONS4-79 T6.7.1 Main Controller PCBF04-607-01The DIP switch (SW1002) is designed for adjustments at the factory, and is not normallyused in the field.a. Transfer the following from the old to new PCB:• shorting connector of J1060• BOOT ROM of J1010• SDRAM• counter memory PCBb. Protect the back-up data as follows:1) Back up all data using the Service Support Tool.2) Replace the main controller.3) While holding down the keys ‘2’ and ‘8’ of the control panel, turn on the main power (tostart download mode). You will not be able to perform the following if you start up inthe usual way, since the Box text file data and control data on the hard disk will be ini-tialized.4) Download all data using the Service Support Tool.J1019 J1044J1029J1024 J1061 J1014J1015J1005J1013J1011J1028J1010J1003 J1004J1059J1006SW1002J1020J1058J1027J1001J1012 J1022 J1060