COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR2200/iR2800/iR3300 REV.0 MAR. 2001CHAPTER 2 MAIN CONTROLLER2-2 S1.2 Outline of the Electrical Circuitry1.2.1 OutlineThe major electrical mechanisms of the controller block are controlled by the CPU on themain controller PCB. The CPU, RAM, DIMM, and the ICs and HDD around the CPU havethe following functions:1.2.2 Main Controller PCBName DescriptionCPU • Controls the processing of image data from the reader unit.• Controls the processing of image data to the printer unit.• Controls the HDD.• Controls the interface of the following: network, DMA controller, PCI,and ROM/RAM.RAM • Stores program data and image data temporarily.DIMM-ROM • Stores the system control program.• Stores the boot program.T02-102-011.2.3 HDDItem DescriptionHDD • Sores the system software.• Stores image data for the Box function.T02-102-02