3 Using a TCP/IP Network3-54 Confirming a Key Pair and User CertificateConfirming a Key Pair and User CertificateThe following procedure describes how the system manager can confirm the key pairs and usercertificates for all users.Install the key pair and user certificate used for adding a user signature to PDF files from a computer.(See the Remote UI Guide)RemarkTo add a user signature to a PDF, it is necessary to login to the machine using the SSO-H (Single Sign-On H)login service, and the optional Digital User SignatureKit must be activated by registering a license key. Formore information on the SSO-H login services, see theMEAP SMS Administrator Guide For more informationon the Digital User Signature Kit, see the Sending andFacsimile Guide.You can also use the Remote UI to confirm the keypairs and user certificates for all users. For moreinformation, see the Remote UI GuideEnd users can display the Key and Certificate List forUsers screen in [Communications Settings] → [TXSettings] under → [Check UserSignature Certificate] (from the Additional Functionsscreen). However, in this case, only the key pair anduser certificate for the user who is currently logged inare displayed. Key pairs and user certificates for otherusers cannot be displayed. The user's key pair alsocannot be deleted from this screen. An end user mustuse the Remote UI to delete their key pair. (See theRemote UI Guide)1. On the TCP/IP Settings screen, press [Certificate Settings] → [KeyandCertificate List] → [Key and Certificate List for Users] → specify thefollowing.User key pairs with (invalid) displayed to the left of them are corrupted or invalid keypairs. After erasing the key pair, install a key pair and user certificate in the machine from acomputer. (See the Remote UI Guide)● If you want to confirm a user certificate:● If you want to erase a registered key pair:If you want to confirm a user certificate: