5 Using a NetBIOS NetworkWindows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista 5-25: Windows (SMB)[Host Name]: \\swan\share (Shared folderpath)[Folder Path]: \Images[User]: User name entered in theabove step.[Password]: Password for the above user.If you want to use [Browse] to specify each item, make sure you press [Browse] after theexpiration of thetime specified in "Startup Time Settings(p.3-78)."Up to 128 alphanumeric characters can be entered for [Host Name] on the control panel. Also,up to 255alphanumeric characters can be entered for [Folder Path].If you change the language of the touch panel display, [Host Name] and [Folder Path] may not bedisplayed correctly, or you may not be able to browse the directories.If the language of the touch panel display differs from the computer used as a master browser, [HostName] and [Folder Path] may not be displayed correctly, or you may not be able to browse the directories.You can send data using the following formats. A DNS server is required for the latter case:\\\share\\host_name.organization.company.com\shareYou can also specify the user name in the address using the following formats:domain_name\user_name (up to 15 alphanumeric characters for the domain name, and up to 20 forthe user name)user_name@organization.company.com (up to 128 characters in total)Note that the latter is only applicable when sending to a Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vistacomputer that belongs to a domain containing Windows 2000/Server 2003/Vista domain controllers. PreviousNext |