3 Using a TCP/IP Network3-106 Mac OS XMac OS X1. Log in to Mac OS X as Administrator → start the FTP services under MacOS X.2. Click the [Sharing] icon → [Allow FTP access] → click [Show All] on thetoolbar.3. Click [Users] to open the [Users] window → enter the name of the user towhom you want to send data from the machine through Mac OS X →enter the password.Enter a user name, and a password not longer than 24 alphanumeric characters.4. Create a shared folder to which files are to be sent.Sample setting:Create a folder named "iR_Folder" in the [Public] folder in the [Home] folder.5. Select the shared folder created in step 4 → select [Show Info] fromthe[File] menu → select [Privileges] from [Show] → enable read & writeaccess to the folder by the owner and members of the group to which theowner belongs.