11‑19TroubleshootingMessage Description ActionLTR Load paper. The optimum paper sizeselected by the AutomaticPaper Selection mode is notavailable in the machine.Load the indicated papersize into the machine. If youpress (Start) while thismessage is displayed, printsare made with the currentlyselected paper size.When the messagecontinues to be displayedeven if the indicated papersize is loaded, set DrawerEligibility For APS/ADS inCommon Settings (from theAdditional Functions screen)for that paper drawer to[On]. (See “Automatic PaperSelection/Automatic DrawerSwitching,” on p. 2‑25.)––No response.(imageCLASS MF7480/MF7470 Only)The server was not runningwhen you tried to send.– Check the destination.–The network connectionwas lost when you tried tosend. (Either you could notconnect to the destinationor the connection waslost before the job couldcomplete.)– Check the status of thenetwork.–A TCP/IP error occurredwhen you tried to send ane‑mail or I‑fax.– Check that the networkcables and connectors areproperly connected.–No response from the server.Check the settings.(imageCLASS MF7480/MF7470 Only)The specified server settingsare incorrect, or the server isnot turned ON. Alternatively,the machine’s TCP/IP resourcesmay be low.Wait for a while, and trybrowsing again. If you still fail,try selecting another server.Out of resources. Wait fora moment, then performoperation again.(imageCLASS MF7480/MF7470 Only)You cannot browse thenetwork due to a lack of TCP/IPresources. This may be becausedocuments have just beencontinuously sent or are beingcontinuously sent through FTPor Windows (SMB).Wait for a while, and trybrowsing again.