Troubleshooting11‑22Error Code Description Action#0005 The recipient did not respondwithin 35 seconds.– Send the document again. Contactthe other party and have themcheck their fax machine. If youare making an overseas call, add apause to the number.–The other party may not be using aG3 fax machine.– Check with the other party andsend the document to a G3 faxmachine. If the other party doesnot have a G3 fax machine, trysending your document usinga transmission mode the otherparty's fax machine supports.–#0009 The paper has run out or the paperdrawer is not set properly.Load the paper or insert the paperdrawer properly.#0012 You could not send because the otherparty's fax machine is out of paper.Contact the other party and ask themto load the paper.#0018 The recipient’s machine did notrespond when your machineretried sending documents.– Confirm that the recipient’smachine is able to communicate,and try again.–The documents could not be sentbecause the recipient’s machinewas busy.– Confirm that the recipient’smachine is able to communicate,and try again.–The settings on your machine donot match the settings on therecipient’s machine.– Confirm that the recipient’smachine is able to communicate,and try again.–No pause was included in thetelephone number when sending afax overseas.– Insert a pause after the countrycode, or after the fax number ofthe other party, and then dial thenumber again.Change the Long Distance settingon the Option screen if you aresending documents to destinationsstored in the Address Book orone‑touch buttons. (See “Storing/Editing Address Book,” on p. 4‑58,or “Storing/Editing One‑TouchButtons,” on p. 4‑71.)––#0037 The memory is full. Print, send, or delete any documentsstored in memory.