Machine Settings12‑8Common SettingsStack Bypass Standard Settings Sets the paper size and type that the stack bypass usesbeforehand. This setting is useful if you always load the samepaper size and type into the stack bypass.If the Stack Bypass Standard Settings are stored when usingthe Send function, you can also use the stack bypass toreceive I‑fax or fax documents.OnOffWhen printing on special types of paper, such as heavyweightpaper or transparencies, be sure to correctly set the paper type,especially if you are using heavyweight paper. If the type of paperis not set correctly, it could adversely affect the quality of theimage. Moreover, the fixing unit may become dirty and require aservice repair, or the paper could jam.If you are using the stack bypass as a paper source for Copyand Receive (I‑fax or fax), you must select the stack bypasswhen specifying the Drawer Eligibility for APS/ADS setting. (See“Automatic Paper Selection/Automatic Drawer Switching,” onp. 2‑25.)––––Paper Feed Method Switch Sets whether the printer speed is the priority for your job,or whether to print on a specific side of the paper. This isuseful when you want to make one‑ or two‑sided prints onpreprinted paper (paper which has logos or patterns alreadyprinted on it) without changing the orientation of the paperof the paper loaded in a paper source.Stack Bypass (Speed, Print Side)Paper Drawer 1 (Speed, Print Side)Paper Drawer 2 (Speed, Print Side)–––Language Switch Selects the language on the touch panel display. (See“Specifications,” on p. 13‑2.)Reserved Display (B/W) Sets whether to reverse the contrast on the touch paneldisplay for better viewing. If you find it hard to read what isbeing shown on the touch panel display, try using this mode.OnOff––Error Display for Dirty Feeder Sets whether to display the error message when the feederis dirty.OnOff––