VLT ® 2800 Serieswhen the motor frequency is reduced too quicklydue to ramp down time being too short. Whenthe inverter is switched off a trip reset is generated.Note: Voltage warning high (warning 5) will thusalso be able to generate an alarm 7.WARNING/ALARM 8: UndervoltageIf the intermediate circuit voltage (UDC) is lowerthan the inverter’s Undervoltage limit the inverterwill be switched off until the UDC once more goesabove the undervoltage limit. If the UDC remainsunder the undervoltage limit, the inverter will tripafter a set time. The time depends on the device,and is set at 2 - 15 sec. An undervoltage canoccur when the connected mains voltage is too low.Check whether the supply voltage is suitable forthe frequency converter, see Technical data. Whenthe frequency converter is switched off a alarm 8(and alarm 6) is displayed briefly and a trip reset isgenerated. Note: Voltage warning low (warning 6)will thus also be able to generate an alarm 8.WARNING/ALARM 9: Inverter overloadElectronic thermal inverter protection indicates thatthe frequency converter is close to tripping dueto overloading (output current too high for toolong). The counter for electronic thermal inverterprotection gives a warning at 98% and trips at100% accompanied by an alarm. The frequencyconverter cannot be reset until the counter dropsbelow 90%. This fault arises because the frequencyconverter has been overloaded for too long.WARNING/ALARM 10: Motor overloadedAccording to the electronic thermal inverter protectionthe motor is too hot. In parameter 128 the user canselect whether the frequency converter should emita warning or an alarm when the counter reaches100%. This fault is due to the motor being overloadedby more than 100% for too long. Check that motorparameters 102-106 are set correctly.WARNING/ALARM 11: Motor thermistorThe motor is too hot or the thermistor/thermistorconnection has been disconnected. In parameter128 Thermal motor protection the user can selectwhether the frequency transformer emits a warning oran alarm. Check that the PTC thermistor is correctlyconnected between terminals 18, 19, 27 or 29 (digitalinput) and terminal 50 (+ 10 V supply).WARNING/ALARM 12: Current limitThe output current is greater than the value inparameter 221 Current Limit LIM, and the frequencyconverter will trip after a set time, selected inparameter 409 Trip delay overcurrent.WARNING/ALARM 13: OvercurrentThe inverter’s peak current limit (approx. 200%of rated output current) has been exceeded. Thewarning will last approx. 1-2 sec, and the frequencyconverter will then trip and emit an alarm. Switchoff the frequency converter and check whether themotor shaft can be turned, and whether the size ofthe motor is suitable for the frequency converter.ALARM 14: Earth faultThere is a discharge from the output phases to earth,either in the cable between the frequency converterand the motor, or in the motor. Turn off the frequencyconverter and remove the earth fault.ALARM 15: Switch mode faultFault in switch mode power supply (internal supply).Contact your Danfoss supplier.ALARM: 16: Short-circuitThere is a short-circuit on the motor terminals orin the motor. Disconnect the mains supply to thefrequency converter and remove the short-circuit.WARNING/ALARM 17: Serial commu-nication timeoutThere is no serial communication to the frequencyconverter. The warning will only be active when 514Bus timeout function is set to a value other than OFF. Ifparameter 514 Bus timeout function is set to Stop andtrip [5], it will first give a warning and then ramp downand trip out accompanied by an alarm. Parameter513 Bus timeout can if required be increased.WARNING/ALARM 18: HPFB bus timeoutThere is no serial communication to the frequencyconverter’s communication option card. This warningwill only be active when parameter 804 Bus timeoutfunction is set to a value other than OFF. If parameter804 Bus timeout function is set to Stop and trip, itwill first give a warning and then ramp down andtrip out accompanied by an alarm. Parameter 803Bus timeout can if required be increased.WARNING 33: Out of frequency rangeThis warning is active if the output frequency hasreached Output frequency low limit (parameter 201)or Output frequency high limit (parameter 202). If thefrequency converter is in Process regulation, closedloop (parameter 100) the warning will be active in thedisplay. If the frequency converter is in another modethan Process regulation, closed loop, bit 008000 Outof frequency range in extended status word will beactive, but there will not be a warning in the display.MG.28.E9.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark142