VLT ® 2800 Series■ Mechanical installationPlease pay attention to the requirementsthat apply to installation.The frequency converter iscooled by means of air circulation. For the unit to beable to release its cooling air, the minimum freedistance above and below the unit must be minimum100 mm . To protect the unit from overheating, itmust be ensured that the ambient temperature doesnot rise above the max. temperature stated for thefrequency converter and that the 24-hour averagetemperature is not exceeded. The max. temperatureand 24-hour average can be seen in General technicaldata. If the ambient temperature is in the range of 45°C - 55 °C, derating of the frequency converteris to be carried out. See Derating for ambienttemperature. Please note that the service life of thefrequency converter will be reduced if no allowance ismade for the derating for ambient temperature.■ IntegrationAll units with enclosure IP 20 must be integratedin cabinets and panels. IP 20 is not suitablefor remote mounting. In some countries, e.g.in the USA, units with enclosure NEMA 1 areapproved for remote mounting.■ Spacing for mechanical installationAll units require a minimum of 100 mm air betweenother components and vents of the enclosure.■ Side-by-sideAll VLT 2800 units can be installed side-by-sideand in any position, as the units do not requireventilation on the side.NB!:With the IP 21 solution all units requirea minimum of 100 mm air on eachside. This means that side-by-sidemounting is not allowed.MG.28.E9.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark42