VLT ® 2800 Seriescommunication. Parameter 009-012 Display readoutcan be changed via the control panel.019 Operating mode at power-up, localoperation(POWER UP ACTION)Value:Auto restart, use saved reference(AUTO RESTART) [0]✭Forced stop, use saved reference(LOCAL=STOP) [1]Forced stop, set ref. to 0(LOCAL=STOP, REF=0) [2]Function:Setting of the required operating mode when themains voltage is engaged. This function can onlybe active if Local operation [1] has been selectedin parameter 002 Local/remote operation.Description of choice:Auto restart, use saved ref. [0] is selected if thefrequency converter is to start using the local reference(set in parameter 003 Local reference) and thestart/stop state given via the control keys immediatelyprior to the mains voltage being cut out.Forced stop, use saved ref. [1] is selected if thefrequency converter is to remain stopped when themains voltage is engaged, until the [START]-keyis activated. After a start command the motorspeed is ramped up to the saved reference inparameter 003 Local reference.Forced stop, set ref. to 0 [2] is selected if thefrequency converter is to remain stopped whenthe mains voltage is cut back in. Parameter 003Local reference is to be zeroed.NB!:In remote operation (parameter 002Local/remote operation) the start/stop stateat the time of mains connection will dependon the external control signals. If Pulse start [8] isselected in parameter 302 Digital input, the motorwill remain stopped after mains connection.020 Hand operation(HAND OPERATION)Value:✭Not active (DISABLE) [0]Active (ENABLE) [1]Function:In this parameter you can select whether it shouldbe possible or not to switch between Auto- andHand mode. In Auto mode the frequency converter iscontrolled by external signals whereas the frequencyconverter in Hand mode is controlled via a localreference directly from the control unit.Description of choice:If Not active [0] is selected in this parameter, the Handmode function will be inactive. If Active [1] is selectedyou can switch between Auto- and Hand mode. Forfurther information, see the Control Unit section.024 Userdefined Quick Menu(USER QUICKMENU)Value:✭Not active (DISABLE) [0]Active (ENABLE) [1]Function:In this parameter you can select the standardsetup of the Quick menu key on the controlpanel and the LCP 2 control panel.Using this function, in parameter 025 Quick Menusetup the user can select up to 20 parametersfor the Quick Menu key.Description of choice:If not active [0] is selected, the standard setupof the Quick Menu key is active.If Active [1] is selected, the user-definedQuick Menu is active.025 Quick Menu setup(QUICK MENU SETUP)Value:[Index 1 - 20] Value: 0 - 999 ✭ 000Function:In this parameter you define which parameters arerequired in the Quick Menu when parameter 024User-defined Quick Menu is set to Active [1]´.Up to 20 parameters can be selected for theuser-defined Quick Menu.NB!:Please note that this parameter can only be setusing an LCP 2 control panel. See Order form.✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication portMG.28.E9.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark66