![Danfoss VT2800 Series Design Manual Manual pdf 75 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/4994301/99b6467c869e8d6e0db2e3918614728975f.jpg)
VLT ® 2800 SeriesProgrammingDescription of choice:To be set as a percentage value of the max. DCbrake voltage, which depends on the motor.133 Start voltage(START VOLTAGE)Value:0.00 - 100.00 V ✭ Depends on unitFunction:A higher start torque can be obtained by increasingthe start voltage. Small motors (< 1.0 kW)normally require a high start voltage.Description of choice:The factory setting will be suitable for mustapplications, the value may need to be increasegradually for high torque application.Warning: If the use of start voltageis exaggerated, this may lead toover-energizing and overheating of themotor and the frequency converter may cut out.134 Load compensation(LOAD COMPENSATIO)Value:0.0 - 300.0% ✭ 100.0%Function:In this parameter, the load characteristic is set. Byincreasing the load compensation, the motor is given anextra voltage and frequency supplement at increasingloads. This is used e.g. in motors/applications inwhich there is a big difference between the full-loadcurrent and idle-load current of the motor.NB!:If this value is set too high, the frequencyconverter may cut out because of overcurrent.Description of choice:If the factory setting is not adequate, loadcompensation must be set to enable the motorto start at the given load.Warning: Should be set to 0% inconnection with synchronous andparallel-coupled motors and in thecase of quick load changes. Too high loadcompensation may lead to instability.135 U/f-ratio(U/F RATIO)Value:0.00 - 20.00 at Hz ✭ Depends on unitFunction:This parameter enables a shift in the ratio betweenoutput voltage (U) and output frequency (f) linearly,so as to ensure correct energizing of the motor andthus optimum dynamics, accuracy and efficiency.The U/f-ratio only affects the voltage characteristicif a selection has been made of Constant torque[1] parameter 101 Torque characteristic.Description of choice:The U/f-ratio is only to be changed if it is notpossible to set the correct motor data in parameter102-109. The value programmed in the factorysettings is based on idle operation.136 Slip compensation(SLIP COMP.)Value:-500 - +500% of rated slip compensation✭ 100%Function:Slip compensation is calculated automatically, onthe basis of such data as the rated motor speedn M,N . In this parameter, the slip compensation can befine-tuned, thereby compensating for tolerances onthe value for n M,N . Slip compensation is only active ifa selection has been made of Speedregulation, openloop [0] in parameter 100 Configuration and Constanttorque [1] in parameter 101 Torque characteristic.Description of choice:Key in a % value.✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication portMG.28.E9.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark 75