VLT ® 2800 Serieskey has been pushed. The display indicateswhen copying is in progress.007 LCP copy(LCP COPY)Value:✭No copying (NO COPY) [0]Upload all parameters (UPL. ALL PAR.) [1]Download all parameters (DWNL. ALL PAR.) [2]Download size-independent parameters(DWNL.OUTPIND.PAR.) [3]Function:Parameter 007 LCP copy is used if you want to usethe LCP 2 control panel’s integral copy function. Thefunction is used if you want to copy all parametersetups from one frequency converter to anotherby moving the LCP 2 control panel.Description of choice:Select Upload all parameters [1] if you want allparameter values to be transferred to the controlpanel. Select Download all parameters [2] if allparameter values transferred are to be copied to thefrequency converter to which the control panel isattached. Select Download size-independent par. [3]if you only want to downloade the size-independentparameters. This is used when downloading to afrequency converter with a different rated power sizethan that from which the parameter setup originates.NB!:Upload/download can only be performedin stop mode. Download can only beperformed to a frequency converter withthe same software version number, see parameter626 Database identification no.008 Display scaling of output frequency(FREQUENCY SCALE)Value:0.01 - 100.00 ✭ 1.00Function:In this parameter, the factor is selected by which theoutput frequency is to be multiplied. The value is shownin the display, provided parameters 009-012 Displayreadout have been set to Output frequency x scaling [5].Description of choice:Set the required scaling factor.009 Large display readout(DISPLAY LINE 2)Value:No readout (NONE) [0]Resulting reference [%](REFERENCE [%]) [1]Resulting reference [unit](REFERENCE [UNIT]) [2]Feedback [unit] (FEEDBACK [UNIT]) [3]✭Frequency [Hz] (FREQUENCY [HZ]) [4]Output frequency x scaling(FREQUENCY X SCALE) [5]Motor current [A] (MOTOR CURRENT [A]) [6]Torque [%] (TORQUE [%]) [7]Power [kW] (POWER [KW]) [8]Power [HP] (POWER [HP][US]) [9]Motor voltage [V](MOTOR VOLTAGE [V]) [11]DC link voltage [V](DC LINK VOLTAGE [V]) [12]Thermal load motor [%](MOTOR THERMAL [%]) [13]Thermal load [%](FC. THERMAL[%]) [14]Running hours [Hours](RUNNING HOURS]) [15]Digital input [Bin](DIGITAL INPUT[BIN]) [16]Analog input 53 [V](ANALOG INPUT 53 [V]) [17]Analog input 60 [mA](ANALOG INPUT 60 [MA]) [19]Pulse reference [Hz](PULSE REF. [HZ]) [20]External reference [%](EXTERNAL REF. [%]) [21]Status word [Hex] (STATUS WORD [HEX]) [22]Heatsink temperature [°C](HEATSINK TEMP [°C]) [25]Alarm word [Hex] (ALARM WORD [HEX]) [26]Control word [Hex] (CONTROL WORD [HEX]) [27]Warning word [Hex](WARNING WORD [HEX]) [28]Extended status word [Hex](EXT. STATUS [HEX]) [29]Communication option card warning(COMM OPT WARN [HEX]) [30]Pulse count(PULSE COUNTER) [31]Function:In this parameter you can select the data value thatyou wish to display in the LCP 2 control unit display✭ = factory setting. () = display text [] = value for use in communication via serial communication portMG.28.E9.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark62