VLT ® 2800 Series■ CE labellingWhat is CE labelling?The purpose of CE labelling is to avoid technicalobstacles to trade within EFTA and the EU. The EUhas introduced the CE label as a simple way ofshowing whether a product complies with the relevantEU directives. The CE label says nothing about thespecifications or quality of the product. Frequencyconverters are regulated by three EU directives:The machinery directive (98/37/EEC)All machines with critical moving parts are coveredby the machinery directive, which came into forceon 1 January 1995. Since a frequency converter islargely electrical, it does not fall under the machinerydirective. However, if a frequency converter is suppliedfor use in a machine, we provide information on safetyaspects relating to the frequency converter. We dothis by means of a manufacturer’s declaration.The low-voltage directive (73/23/EEC)Frequency converters must be CE labelled inaccordance with the low-voltage directive, whichcame into force on 1 January 1997. The directiveapplies to all electrical equipment and appliancesused in the 50 - 1000 Volt AC and the 75 -1500 Volt DC voltage ranges. Danfoss CE labelsin accordance with the directive and issues adeclaration of conformity upon request.The EMC directive (89/336/EEC)EMC is short for electromagnetic compatibility. Thepresence of electromagnetic compatibility meansthat the mutual interference between differentcomponents/appliances is so small that the functioningof the appliances is not affected.The EMC directive came into force on 1 January 1996.Danfoss CE labels in accordance with the directive andissues a declaration of conformity upon request. Inorder that EMC-correct installation can be carried out,this manual gives detailed instructions for installation.In addition, we specify the standards which ourdifferent products comply with. We offer the filters thatcan be seen from the specifications and provide othertypes of assistance to ensure the optimum EMC result.In the great majority of cases, the frequency converteris used by professionals of the trade as a complexcomponent forming part of a larger appliance, systemor installation. It must be noted that the responsibilityfor the final EMC properties of the appliance, systemor installation rests with the installer.MG.28.E9.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark8