ISA Configuration Utility Messages C-5The configuration(.cfg) file used bythe ICU for this cardis now invalid or doesnot exist. Do you wishto load the file?No configuration(.cfg) file exists forthe card being modi-fied. Do you want toload one?This message appears whenyou try to add a listed cardand the configuration file forthis card has been corruptedor deleted from the data-base.This message appears whenyou modify a card and itsconfiguration file does notexist or has been deleted.You can get a copy of the configuration file fromthe original ISA Configuration Utility Diskette thatyou used to create the backup ICU diskette. Use thefollowing procedure:1. Insert the original ISA Configuration Util-ity Diskette into drive A.2. Change to the db subdirectory on the diskettedrive.3. Use a text editor to search the icu.ndx filefor the card ID of the card you want to add ormodify.The name of the configuration file is part ofthis card ID. For example, if the card ID isICU0200, the configuration file is!icu0200.cfg.4. Copy the configuration file from the origi-nal ICU diskette to the backup diskette.This is an EISA sys-tem. Use an ECU, notthe ICU, to configureyour system.This message appears if youattempt to run the ICU on anEISA system.To use the ICU, you must load the utility onto anon-EISA system.You have added a cardusing settings differ-ent from factorydefault. Reconfigurethe card to the set-tings in the nextdisplay (see thecard’s manual) beforeinstalling it.This message can appear intwo situations:• You added an ISAexpansion card,selected OK, and theICU had to use resourcevalues different fromthe card’s defaults toavoid conflicts.• You added an ISAexpansion card,selected Advanced, andchose resource valuesdifferent from the card’sdefaults.Make a note of the new card configuration shownin the Card Resource Usage dialog box displayedafter this message. Change jumper settings on theISA expansion card to match the new card config-uration.Table C-1. Configuration Utility Messages (continued)Message Probable Cause Corrective ActionNOTE: For the full name of an abbreviation or acronym used in this table, see the Glossary.