viProper Care of the ScannerDust or dirt accumulating on the clear plate of the code reading window will affect reading performance. If you use thescanner in dusty areas, therefore, periodically check the clear plate of the code reading window and clean it if dusty.• To clean the plate, first blow the dust away with an airbrush. Then wipe the plate with a cotton swab or the similar softone gently.• If sand or hard particles have accumulated, never rub the plate; doing so will scratch or damage it. Blow the particlesaway with an airbrush or a soft brush.! Limited Warranty on Software ProductsIn no event will DENSO WAVE be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages (includingimaginary profits or damages resulting from interruption of operation or loss of business information) resulting from anydefect in the software or its documentation or resulting from inability to apply the software or its documentation.