Extracting AI (Application Identifier)-prefixed stringsIf the scanner reads an EAN-128, RSS, or EAN.UCC Composite symbol (excluding linear components in a UPC/EANComposite symbol), it edits the data according to AIs and outputs it in the data transmission format selected in the scanner(see Chapter 9, Section 9.2).The "AI-prefixed string" extraction is available in two modes--AI-delimited mode and AI parenthesizing mode. AIs to beused for data editing are listed in (3) AI table later.(1) AI-delimited modeIn this mode, the scanner extracts strings prefixed with AIs specified (up to three types of AIs) and separates them with thespecified delimiters (selectable from headers/terminators, commas and tabs) instead of AIs to output them.! Extraction conditionsExtraction conditions Choices"Data transfer regardless of error result" Permit/ProhibitIf the scanner fails to extract an AI-prefixed string when the "Data transfer regardless of error result" is permitted, itoutputs the data read as is without editing.! DelimitersDelimiters can be any of the following three--header/terminator, comma and tab.• Header/terminatorSpecifying a header/terminator as delimiters prefixes a header and suffixes a terminator to each element stringseparated.A prefix, suffix, the number of digits, and code ID mark can be also added to each element string if their transmissionsare enabled. The number of digits is the count of each element string edited.Example Data read: (01)94901234567894(11)030808(13)030810Code ID mark: Disable, Header: STX, Terminator: ETX, Transmission of the number of digits: Enable,BCC: Disable, Prefix/Suffix: NoneAIs specified Output data01,11,13 [STX]001494901234567894[ETX][STX]0006030808[ETX][STX]0006030810[ETX]• CommaSpecifying a comma as delimiters outputs comma-delimited data. No comma follows the tail of the data.A header and terminator are added to the full string. None of a prefix, suffix, the number of digits, and code ID markis added even if their transmissions are enabled.Example Data read: (01)94901234567894(11)030808(13)030810Code ID mark: Disable, Header: STX, Terminator: ETX, Transmission of the number of digits: Enable,BCC: Disable, Prefix/Suffix: NoneAIs specified Output data01,11,13 [STX]94901234567894,030808,030810[ETX]• Tab (ASCII 09H (HT))Specifying a tab as delimiters outputs tab-delimited data. No tab follows the tail of the data.A header and terminator are added to the full string. None of a prefix, suffix, the number of digits, and code ID markis added even if their transmissions are enabled.Example Data read: (01)94901234567894(11)030808(13)030810Code ID mark: Disable, Header: STX, Terminator: ETX, Transmission of the number of digits: Enable,BCC: Disable, Prefix/Suffix: NoneAIs specified Output data01,11,13 [STX]94901234567894[TAB]030808[TAB]030810[ETX]