25AI Format Description96 n2+an..30 Company Internal Information--Carrier97 n2+an..30 Company Internal Information--Company98 n2+an..30 Company Internal Information--Company99 n2+an..30 Company Internal Information(*) To indicate only year and month, DD must be filled with "00."(**) n indicates the length of data.(***) n indicates the decimal point position.aa3a..3Alphabetic characters3 alphabetic characters, fixed lengthUp to 3 alphabetic charactersnn3n..3Numeric characters3 numeric characters, fixed lengthUp to 3 numeric charactersanan3an..3Alphanumeric characters3 alphanumeric characters, fixed lengthUp to 3 alphanumeric characters(Note 1) If the specified AI is variable in length and the number of digits in data read is less than the maximum number ofdigits defined for the AI, GS (1Dh) contained in data read will be output.