Eaton PDI WaveStar TFA Static Transfer Switch Installation and Operation Manual P-164001113—Rev 01 111CChhaapptteerr 1177 DDiiggiittaall aanndd AAnnaalloogg PPooiinnttss1177..11 DDiiggiittaall SSccrreeeenn PPooiinnttssTable 7 shows the digital points as they show on the screen for the Digital Points List (Rev 2.86 and higher).The Normal and Abnormal columns show what is Normal for the digital point (and hence not an alarm) and whatis Abnormal (hence an alarm). These columns are meaningful only for points that are Alarms (as noted in theAlarm column).Example: "Retransfer" (point 8) is not an alarm ("No" in Alarm column).The same point name is used when the point appears on the Digital Values Screen, the Event Log Screen, orthe Alarms Screen. The status for digital points is in an adjacent table following the list of points.Custom STSs will have different points and the current points list may not apply.Table 7. Digital Screen PointsName Normal Abnormal AlarmAlarmIndex StatusStatusIndexNormalValueIsolation 1 MCSW Closed Open Yes 1 Yes 1001 1Isolation 2 MCSW Closed Open If Installed 2 Yes 1002 1Bypass 1 MCSW Open Closed Yes 3 Yes 1003 0Bypass 2 MCSW Open Closed Yes 4 Yes 1004 0Input 1 MCSW Closed Open Yes 5 Yes 1005 1Input 2 MCSW Closed Open Yes 6 Yes 1006 1Override No Yes No 7 1007 0Retransfer Yes No No 8 Yes 1008 1ROI in Control No Yes Yes 9 Yes 1009 0Preferred Source 1 2 No 10 Yes 1010 0PDU 1 CB Closed Open If Installed 11 If Installed 1011 1PDU 2 CB Closed Open If Installed 12 If Installed 1012 1Building 1 OK Alarm If Installed 13 If Installed 1013 0Building 2 OK Alarm If Installed 14 If Installed 1014 0Building 3 OK Alarm If Installed 15 If Installed 1015 0Building 4 OK Alarm If Installed 16 If Installed 1016 0Building 5 OK Alarm If Installed 17 If Installed 1017 0Building 6 OK Alarm If Installed 18 If Installed 1018 0Building 7 OK Alarm If Installed 19 If Installed 1019 0Building 8 OK Alarm If Installed 20 If Installed 1020 0Output Short OK Alarm Yes 21 No 1021 0