Eaton PDI WaveStar TFA Static Transfer Switch Installation and Operation Manual P-164001113—Rev 01 75CChhaapptteerr 1100 SSyysstteemm SSeettuupp:: AAddmmiinniissttrraattiioonnThis chapter describes administrative setup.1100..11 AAddmmiinniissttrraattiivvee AAcccceessss LLeevveellAnyone can view the different display screens, but a login is required to use controls or make changes toparameters.The STS has four access levels:1. PDI: This level has authorization for all actions except clearing the Event Log. Eaton access is required touse the Configuration screen.2. Service: This access level is for Eaton authorized service representatives. This level has authorization forall actions except clearing the Event Log.3. Administrator: This access level has authorization for all actions and screens except ConfigurationScreen, which is not available to users. NOTE: The Administrator is the only user who can clear the EventLog!4. Operator: An operator can only change the Preferred Source.1100..22 IInniittiiaall AAddmmiinniissttrraattoorr AAcccceessssSTS security is based on the identification of each user by a PIN with an associated password. The PINidentifies the user and the password allows access. This scheme also provides login history and accurateforensics if there is problem with the STS.To initially set up STS users, Eaton provides a temporary Administrator PIN and password. The administratorshould:1. Log in on the Home screen in the Operator panel.2. Navigate to the Users screen3. Change the administrator PIN and password and then keep them secure.4. Set up each user’s security information as described in the following sections.After initial startup, commissioning, testing, or restart, the administrator should clear any alarms that occurred.1100..33 UUsseerrss SSccrreeeenn• Touch the User button at the bottom of a display screen to display the Users Screen (see Figure 45).• The Users screen:– Allows the Administrator set up new users and their level of access to the s witch.– Displays the names of registered users and unassigned slots.• Scroll through the User list using the scroll bar on the right side of the screen to highlight a user name ornumber.• Set up or modify a user’s profile using the Name, PIN, Password, and Class buttons. Each user must beassigned a Password and PIN.• The Administrator sets a user’s access Class by touching the Class button and entering the first letter ofthe Class:– A: Administrator– S: Service