Eaton PDI WaveStar TFA Static Transfer Switch Installation and Operation Manual P-164001113—Rev 01 696. The logic locks the load on Source 2 for 100 ms, allowing the source voltage to stabilize, and the load is notdropped.Example B:1. Source 1 is the Preferred Source and is supporting the load.2. Source 2 experiences an outage (load remains on Source 1).3. While Source 2 is unavailable, Source 1 experiences an 8 ms transient outage.4. The load remains connected to Source 1 even though both sources experience outages for 8 ms.99..22 RReedduunnddaanntt MMooddee OOppeerraattiioonnRedundant Mode is entered when the MODE OF OPERATION toggle switch is set to REDUNDANT.In Redundant Mode:• The SAS board controls transfers and Monitor logic is bypassed.• "Retransfer Yes/No" is not a setting on the ROI panel and retransfer does not apply: The SAS board has nomemory of previous transfers; it simply transfers when the current source is out of specification and theother source is within specification.• Preferred Source does not apply:– Automatic transfers: When the currently active source goes out of specification, the SAS board willtransfer to the alternate source if it is within specification.– Manual transfers: Using the momentary SOURCE SELECTOR toggle switch causes a transfer to theselected source, if it is not already on that source.Redundant Mode is also entered if the SAS board detects the Monitor has failed. The SAS board then performsthe load transfer.99..33 BByyppaassss MMooddeeThe STS has a Bypass Mode for maintenance. In Bypass Mode all electronic components are isolated from thepower sources to allow safe unit servicing.99..33..11 IInntteeggrraatteedd KKeeyy IInntteerrlloocckkssBypass Mode is entered by physically setting up MCSWs to go to bypass. The STS has keyed-interlockedbypass MCSWs allowing logic to be disconnected from power sources without interrupting output load power(See Figure 42). Engaging the bypass and returning from bypass to STS normal mode both require the operatorto manipulate the integrated keyed interlocks (or alternatively Kirk Keys) and MCSWs.Operational Modes