64 Eaton PDI WaveStar TFA Static Transfer Switch Installation and Operation Manual P-164001113—Rev 01Figure 40. Keyboard Screen88..22 RReedduunnddaanntt OOppeerraattoorr IInntteerrffaacceeThe ROI panel is in a covered compartment just below the touchscreen display. Login is not required to use theROI; key access provides security.The ROI panel is always active: the toggle switches are enabled and the LEDs are valid in both Normal andRedundant modes (see Figure 41 for an explanation of LEDs and toggle switches).The ROI panel has these functions:1. 1. The ROI panel sets the operational mode of the STS, either Normal or Redundant Mode (seeChapter 9 Operational Modes):a. The MODE OF OPERATION toggle switch should be left in NORMAL except for rare circumstances.b. When the MODE OF OPERATION toggle switch is set to REDUNDANT, both the ROI panel and thetouchscreen display are active, if the Monitor and display are operating properly, but the SAS boardcontrols transfers, not the Monitor. Redundant Mode is required, for example, when the Monitor mustbe restarted, because it provides a backup transfer capability while the Monitor is restarting.Circumstances requiring Redundant Mode are rare and time spent in Redundant Mode should bebrief.2. In Normal Mode, the ROI panel automatically backs upa. the display, providing a means to manually transfer the load if the touchscreen is not functional, andb. the Monitor logic, if Monitor logic fails. The SAS board is always in standby mode, providingcontinuous backup to Monitor logic and the display.3. In REDUNDANT mode, the ROI can also be used to directly initiate a transfer using the SOURCESELECTOR momentary toggle switch.Operational Interfaces