Eaton PDI WaveStar TFA Static Transfer Switch Installation and Operation Manual P-164001113—Rev 01 51CChhaapptteerr 66 SSttaarrttuupp aanndd CCoommmmiissssiioonniinngg• Severe or fatal injury can result from electrical shock during contact with high voltage conductors,monitoring PCBs, or similar equipment.• Disconnect power before drilling holes, attaching cables or conduit, or connecting PDUs to other powerdistribution equipment.• Use Lock Out/Tag Out procedures.• Wear suitable personal protective clothing and use protective equipment for performing mechanical andelectrical installations.• Leave ample space for attaching and routing wires.• A licensed electrician must install each unit.• Startup by an Eaton certified technician is required to validate the warranty.66..11 CCoommmmiissssiioonniinngg:: IInniittiiaall PPoowweerr--uupp SSiittee TTeessttA Eaton-certified technician must commission and perform acceptance testing on the TFA STS unit to initiatewarranty coverage. All the work performed in this section must be performed or witnessed by a Eaton ServiceRepresentative.The commissioning sequence is as follows:1. Before applying input power to the STS, the Installer and the Eaton Service Representative shouldperform the following checks:a. Verify that the incoming power matches the unit rating (building electrical service and voltage) matchthe unit rating and the TFA STS Bill of Materials.b. Check the customer connections to input and output buses.c. Verify that the STS is connected to the grounding electrode conductor.2. Open all MCSWs in the STS.3. Apply power to the unit by energizing the building power circuit breaker or UPS output circuit breakersupplying the TFA STS unit.4. Perform the following measurements:a. Incoming voltage at input to the STS unit should match the unit rating (-10% to +5% of nominalrating).b. Check for correct phase rotation (clockwise) and voltage at the Source 1 Power Input bus.5. With all MCSWs open, verify input phasing is correct by verifying these measurements:a. Zero volts between the phase A poles on the line side of all input MCSWs.b. Zero volts between the phase B poles on the line side of all input MCSWs.