58 Eaton PDI WaveStar TFA Static Transfer Switch Installation and Operation Manual P-164001113—Rev 0177..33..22 EEnnhhaanncceedd CCoonnttrraaccttoorr BBooaarrddThe optional Enhanced Contractor Board has additional connectors of the same type found on the BasicContractor Board as well as additional high-end interface options (See Figure 37).NOTE Remote relays can accept dry contacts rated up to 2A/250V.The Contractor Boards have multiple applications in Eaton products and not all connections are supported onthe TFA STS. The following connections are not currently supported on this product:• Inter-Range Instrumentation Group (IRIG) time codes• Cell-phone modem connection (discontinued)• 9600 baud modem connection (discontinued)77..33..33 MMooddbbuuss RRTTUU UUppssttrreeaamm CCoonnnneeccttiioonnBoth Contractor Boards have connections for RS422/RS485.The Modbus RTU RS422/RS485 interface is anisolated interface with soft bias.The Modbus RTU interface should be configured for baud rate, parity, and address on the Settings screen (Seeparagraph 12.1 Settings Screen). The address range is 1 to 247 and the address of each device must be unique.Connect Modbus RTU wires to Modbus terminal(s) on a Contractor Board. The Basic Contractor Board has onlyan upstream connection. Connectors are paralleled for daisy-chaining. The Enhanced Contractor Board also hastwo paralleled upstream connectors. (The downstream connection is for a Branch Circuit Monitoring System(BCMS) connection to the STS.)4-wire Modbus RTU is the default. For upstream 2-wire Modbus RTU, do one of these:• Basic Contractor Board: Jumper together plus connections (RX+ to TX+) and minus connections (RX- toTX-).• Enhanced Contractor Board: Jumper together plus connections (RX+ to TX+) and minus connections (RX-to TX-) on the upstream connectors.• Enhanced Contractor Board: Place jumper on W2-W3.• Monitor PCB: place jumper on the Monitor back panel at E2-E3. (Placing this jumper will set 2-wireModbus for either Contractor Board.)77..44 EEtthheerrnneett CCoonnnneeccttiioonnA customer network Ethernet cable can be connected to a terminal to the right of the Contractor Board. (SeeFigure 34). The Ethernet connection allows you to run TCP/IP, Modbus TCP/IP, HTTP for the web server,SNMP, SNTP for time synchronization, and SMTP for email summary alarm alerts.Chapter 12 System Setup: Networking describes configuration for these options. Use the Settings screen toset Ethernet parameters (see paragraph 12.2 Ethernet).77..55 DDrryy CCoonnttaacctt SSiiggnnaallss77..55..11 DDrryy CCoonnttaacctt OOuuttppuutt SSiiggnnaallssContractor Board remote relays signal status and alarms through closed dry contacts, shown in Table 1. Thereare three predefined relay lists. Remote relays can be customized during setup to turn on for other points in theSTS points list.Customer Communications Connections