82 Eaton PDI WaveStar TFA Static Transfer Switch Installation and Operation Manual P-164001113—Rev 011111..22 SSwwiittcchh SSeettttiinnggss SSccrreeeennTouch the Switch button in the navigation buttons to display the Switch Settings screen (see Figure 47). TheSwitch Settings screen is used to select or adjust parameters for sense and transfer algorithms.Two of the three main transfer parameters—transfer algorithm and retransfer setting—are set on the SwitchSettings screen and require administrator or other higher-level authorization. The remaining choice—PreferredSource—is set on the Home screen and requires operator-level authorization.Use the Controls panel to select the transfer algorithm and retransfer behavior by setting these virtualswitches:• Mode (VSS/POG): When the VSS/POG switch is touched to be moved, the Execute button ishighlighted as a precaution. The operator must touch Execute to move the virtual switch to the oppositeposition, or Cancel to revert to the previous selection. (See paragraph 2.4 Transfer Process: Algorithms).• Retransfer (Yes/No): When Retransfer=Yes, the STS will switch back to the original preferred sourceafter an outage on that source has ended and the power on this source is within prescribed parameters.When the Retransfer switch is touched to be moved, Execute is highlighted as a precaution. TouchExecute to move the virtual switch to the opposite position, or Cancel to revert to the previous selection.The remaining parameters are Optimization parameters for the sense, transfer, and retransfer algorithms.These parameters have been experimentally set and optimized by Eaton. NOTE: Eaton strongly recommendsthat the Fast, Delayed, and Retransfer Delay settings not be changed.Figure 47. Switch Settings ScreenSystem Setup: Operation