Eaton PDI WaveStar TFA Static Transfer Switch Installation and Operation Manual P-164001113—Rev 01 61CChhaapptteerr 88 OOppeerraattiioonnaall IInntteerrffaacceessThere are two STS operator interfaces:• The touchscreen display, which is the normal operator interface• The Redundant Operator Interface (ROI), which sets the operational mode and backs up the touchscreendisplay88..11 TToouucchhssccrreeeenn DDiissppllaayyThe STS has a 10.4-inch diagonal touchscreen display. The STS has a comprehensive set of screens coveringsetup, transfer controls, alarms, events, status, and measurements.Changes to controls or parameters must be made from the touchscreen display; they cannot be changedremotely from a Building Management System (BMS) or from a web browser. (The BMS can issue dry contactcontrol signals, such as Remote EPO or Remote Source Select.)88..11..11 VVooiiccee UUnniittA Voice Unit provides short audible statements that supplement text or graphics in certain situations, such as"Static Switch, new alarm," or "Static Switch, alarm cleared." The Voice Unit also steps operator through textprocedures from the Help screens.88..11..22 HHoommee SSccrreeeennThe Home screen (Figure 38) is the first screen displayed when the STS is turned on.Home screen has a dynamic graphic 1-line mimic showing active and inactive paths from sources to outputwith power measurements:1. • The active path between one source and the output is shown in yellow.2. • Inactive paths or bypass paths are shown in blue.The Status Panel summarizes the general status of the unit. It shows which source is open or available, whichbypass is being used, and how many alarms are present.The Normal/Alarm status indicator shows if alarms are present:Transfers panel has a counter of the number of transfers that have occurred since the last Clear of thiscounter.The Home screen also has Preferred Source control (see paragraph 9.1.1 Preferred Source).