Definitions, Safety, and LimitationsPower Xpert Solar 1500/1670 kW Inverter MN141001EN—October 2014 3De-Energizing the InverterThe Power Xpert Solar 1500/1670 kW Inverter is designed tobe connected to photovoltaic DC energy and export ACenergy. It stores a significant amount of capacitanceelectrical energy.The Inverter Must Be Considered EnergizedWhenever:● The medium voltage transformer is energized from theutility.● The inverter’s main output circuit breaker CB1 is closed.● The inverter’s control-power circuit breaker CB2 is closed.● Any of the PV System’s external (to the inverter)disconnects are closed.Closed (ON) means the switching-device contact(s)’ areengaged and able to transfer energy: Voltage or Current.AC and DC Disconnecting Means:● The inverter does not provide a means to isolate utilityvoltage on the transformer-side of circuit breaker CB1, CB2or CB4, which are located inside the inverter AC cabinet(section) outer door panel.● The AC bus will be energized whenever the MVtransformer is energized.● The inverter does not provide a means to isolateinput-circuits from the PV system’s side of disconnectsDS1, DS2, and DS3, nor the inverter’s pre-charge fuseslocated inside the doors of the inverter DC cabinet(section).● The DC Cabinet Section will be energized wheneverexternal PV-disconnects are closed (electricallyconnected to the inverter)De-Energizing the Inverter Procedure1. Turn the ON/OFF function on the HMI (LCD) to the OFFposition.2. The inverter will de-energize when the ON/OFF functionon the HMI is turned OFF and CB1, CB2, CB4, DS1,DS2, DS3, and pre-charge fuses are verified to be in theirrespective opened (disconnected) state.● Pressing the emergency stop switch (E-stop) willshut-off the inverter, forcing open CB1, DS1, DS2, andDS3, but not the pre-charge fuses, CB2 or CB4.3. The medium voltage transformer, unless de-energizedfrom the utility (or through optional switches andbreakers on the medium voltage side) will remainenergized, including the low voltage side connected tothe inverter output phases.● All PV systems vary, therefore it is the responsibility ofthe site operator/owner to ensure de-energizingprocedures of the transformer are defined and followed.4. Wait at least 5 minutes to allow the stored capacitiveenergy to dissipate before opening the inverter cabinetdoors and access panels.● Using the appropriate PPE, verify all capacitive voltagehas discharged before servicing the inverter or removingany protective guards to access fuses, terminals, andinverter components.● Beware of any additional non-inverter components,circuits, devices, and sources of stored or connectedelectrical energy that may have been added to theinverter or the photovoltaic-site, beyond the scope ofthis manual.