Inverter Operation36 Power Xpert Solar 1500/1670 kW Inverter MN141001EN—October 2014 www.eaton.comOperational StatesSleep StateDuring the SLEEP state the following is the status of theinverter and PV-system:● The inverter stacks are disconnected from the AC grid● Power-stack contactors K8 K9 K10 are OPEN● The DC voltage is below the Wake-up level● The AC line voltage and frequency are within the grid-tiespecified limitsWhenever the PV voltage drops below the inverter’sminimum, the inverter will enter the sleep state. When theAC grid is first applied (or returns after a loss of grid-tietolerance event), there is a 300 seconds (5 minutes) period totransition from the sleep state before grid synchronizationcan begin. The HMI will display this count-down the seconds.Should the solar array be unable to supply either enoughpower to support power-export (typically 7500 W), or thevoltage drops below the minimum (500/555), the inverter willdisplay a “low array” fault and re-enter the sleep state. Thelow-array and entry into the sleep state is typical in theevening as irradiance diminishes, and often at first light in themorning, when minimal irradiance may rise the array’sopen-circuit voltage (Vac), yet not have enough irradiance tosupport either the minimum voltage or export-powerwattage. These are “normal” solar-system conditions andevents.Whenever the inverter is in sleep mode and is inhibited fromexiting and progressing to the standard power-export state,pressing the information “i” on the touch-screen will openthe illustrated screen (on the right) indicating the reason whythe inverter is inhibited. In the example, there is an activewarning with the 60-second retry timer at 45 seconds. Theinverter will attempt to clear all non-critical faults andwarnings using the 60-second retry timer. Pressing the Fault!or Diagnostic Menu will provide further information.