Troubleshooting48 Power Xpert Solar 1500/1670 kW Inverter MN141001EN—October 2014 www.eaton.comTable 12. Non-Critical Faults: FAULTNon-CriticalFaults Display Text DescriptionResolutionFollowing these steps. if fault continues, contact Eaton serviceCTF3 Charge 1 Control Charging contactors feedback does notmatch commandedCheck Charge contactor K1 and K2 auxiliary feedback wiringCTF4 Charge 2 Control Charging contactors feedback does notmatch commandedCheck Charge contactor K3 and K4 auxiliary feedback wiringCTF5 Charge 3 Control Charging contactors feedback does notmatch commandedCheck Charge contactor K5 and K6 auxiliary feedback wiringCTF6 Discon 1 Control DC Disconnect 1 is not responding to shunttrip command.1. Manually open DC Disconnect DS12. Check DC Disconnect DS1 wiringCTF7 Discon 2 Control DC Disconnect 2 is not responding to shunttrip command.1. Manually open DC Disconnect DS22. Check DC Disconnect DS2 wiringCTF8 Discon 3 Control DC Disconnect 3 is not responding to shunttrip command.1. Manually open DC Disconnect DS32. Check DC Disconnect DS3 wiringCTF12 Blower Fault Variable Frequency Drive Fault (Blower) 1. Fault code can be read from the VFD display in the CoolingSection2. Press “Reset: on the VFDCTF13 Blower Control Fault VFD Run Feedback (VFD_CLOSED) does notmatch commanded.The inverter is able to detect if the VFD hasstalled. If it has it will attempt to recycle therun command two (2) additional times beforeasserting this Blower Control Fault.Check I/O control wiring on the front terminal block of the VFDPSF1 INV1 24 V Fail Inverter Stack-1 SIB 24 V Power Supply Failure 1. Check for 24 V on the SIB (Inverter 1) from 280 Vdc/24 Vdcpower supply, PS5 24 Vdc across SIB1-J8-1 (wire 18RD313)and SIB1-J8-2 (wire 18BK314)2. Check for 280 Vdc across TB2-2 (wire 18RD606) andTB2-9 (wire 18BK612)3. Check for 280 Vdc across TB2-1 (wire 14RD603) andTB2-9 (wire 14BK604)4. Replace power supply if defective5. Contact Eaton for a SIB1 failurePSF2 INV2 24 V Fail Inverter Stack-2 SIB 24 V Power Supply Failure 1. Check for 24 V on the SIB (Inverter 2) from 280 Vdc/24 Vdcpower supply, PS6 24 Vdc across SIB2-J8-1 (wire 18RD315)and SIB2-J8-2 (wire 18BK316)2. Check for 280 Vdc across TB2-3 (wire 18RD607) and TB2-11(wire 18BK613)3. Check for 280 Vdc across TB2-1 (wire 14RD603) and TB2-9(wire 14BK604)4. Replace power supply if defective5. Contact Eaton for a SIB12 failurePSF3 INV3 24 V Fail Inverter Stack-3 SIB 24 V Power Supply Failure 1. Check for 24 V on the SIB (Inverter 3) from 280 Vdc/24 Vdcpower supply, PS7 24 Vdc across SIB3-J8-1 (wire 18RD317)and SIB3-J8-2 (wire 18BK318)2. Check for 280 Vdc across TB2-4 (wire 18RD608) and TB2-12(wire 18BK614)3. Check for 280 Vdc across TB2-1 (wire 14RD603) and TB2-9(wire 14BK604)4. Replace power supply if defective5. Contact Eaton for a SIB12 failure