Definitions, Safety, and Limitations4 Power Xpert Solar 1500/1670 kW Inverter MN141001EN—October 2014 www.eaton.comPhotovoltaic Ground-FaultThe inverter is designed for grounded PV systems only. Itis furnished with photovoltaic Ground-Fault Detection andInterruption (GFDI). If the inverter detects a PV Ground Fault,it will interrupt the fault-current within the inverter, set aground-fault alarm error message visual on the HMI (LCD)and Modbus, stop exporting power (turn-off) and open CB1,DS1, DS2, and DS3. Additional corrective and protectiveactions will be required when this alarm is active. Refer to“Troubleshooting Ground Faults” on Page 43 for a detaileddescription of the ground fault detection and interruptioncircuit: operation and servicing requirements.By Code, the PV system must be labeled as illustrated,below. Look for such labeling.Figure 2. DANGER—WARNING—CAUTION—NOTICEIF A GROUND FAULT IS INDICATED, NORMALLYGROUNDED CONDUCTORS MAY BE UNGROUNDEDAND ENERGIZED.LimitationsThe Power Xpert Solar 1500/1670 kW Inverter is designedand tested to the UL508C and UL 1741 standards. As with allelectrical/electronic equipment, this document cannotpossibility anticipate all site, installation, or operationvariances. It is the system engineer’s, installer’s, operator’sand owner’s responsibility to follow these instructions andensure any deviation from this document first establishesthat neither personnel (persons) safety nor the inverter’s andphotovoltaic (PV) system’s balance of system (BOS)components are compromised.Professional engineering and construction standards mustalways be followed. Incorrect installation and maintenancewill adversely affect any warranty. Contact Eaton for anyquestions.DANGER ofElectric ShockHazardWARNING!Indicates aHazardousSituationCAUTION!Indicates aHazardousSituationNOTICE!Situation that canResult in Property orEquipment Damage