2 Engineering2.8 Safe Torque Off (STO)60 Rapid Link 5 · RAMO5 · RASP5 05/20 MN034004EN www.eaton.com2.8.11 Application of the STO function and safety parametersThe STO function is approved for use as a fail-safe method even in cases inwhich the STO signal is not present and a single fault has occurred in thedrive.The drive was accordingly tested in accordance with the following safetystandards:The values specified here can only be adhered to if the STO function isrequested at least once every three months and if the RASP5 speed control-ler is installed in an environment whose values meet the permissible limits:• Ambient temperature range: -10 to +50 °C, taking into account any limitsthat depend on frame size and degree of protection.• Maximum installation height for rated operation: 1000 m above meansea levelwith a power reduction of 1 % per 100 m above 1000 m (up to max.4000 m IEC/max. 2000 m UL).• Relative humidity: < 95 % (non-condensing).The RASP5 speed controller must always be free of frost and moisture. DANGERIn certain applications, additional measuring and monitoringequipment may be needed in order to meet the requirements ofthe system’s safety function.The STO function does not include a motor brake and theRASP5 braking function cannot be considered a fail-safe methodby itself.If a motor braking function is required, an appropriate safetyrelay and/or a mechanical braking system or a similar methodmust be used.EN ISO 13849-1 PL e Cat. 3 MTTF d : 10000 years (High) DC avg : 91 %(Medium)IEC61508 SIL 3 PFHd : 1.5 x 10 -10 1/h(1.5 % of SIL 3)(High demand or continuousmode)PFD avg (T1 = 20 years): 1.6 x 10-5(0.2 % of SIL 3)(Low demand mode)IEC62061 SIL CL 3IEC61800-5-2 SIL 3Cat. = CategoryDCavg = Average Diagnostic CoverageMTTF d = Mean time to dangerous failurePFH d = Probability of dangerous failure per hourPFD avg = Average probability of dangerous failure on demandPL = Performance levelSIL = Safety Integrity LevelSIL CL = Safety integrity level claim limit