XS series operating manualXS user manual v0.55 - 47 -IMPORTANT:In the REMOTE TRIG. mode, the unit will stop the measurement but will not display anySAFETY LOOP open message.If you have selected the REMOTE TRIG. mode and if the connections 1-9 and 2-10 are already donewhen selecting a measurement function (Megohm,Hipot, ….), the following message is displayedINPUT ERRORand the REMOTE TRIG. mode is automatically removed.Please refer to the above procedure to select correctly the REMOTE TRIG. mode.Interface selectionThe XS series units can be remote controlled by the following interfaces:RS232, IEEE 488 (GPIB), ETHERNET et par interface API.At the same time, only one interface can be selectedIf an interface is not installed in the unit, its selection displays an error message: OPTION MISSING.For more details about those interface capability, please refer to the related section of this manual.Sequence selection (Option 04)For DXS models only, if the option 04 is installed, this function allows to to perform automaticcycling of the megohm and dielectric strength functions.Display on the LCD screen the various sequence modes with the UP and DOWN arrows :OFF,M+H,H+M,M+H+M,.....The M letter shows an insulation resistance measurement and the H letter shows a dielectricstrength test. Operating the sequence mode is recalled in the measurement windows by thefollowing drawing symbol:In a M+H sequence the unit performs first an insulation test and then a dielectric test. It isnecessary to set the parameters specially the test times before running a sequence. In case of afault during the test, the sequence is stopped. When operating in sequence mode, at power on,the first sequence function type is automatically selected. When attempting to trigger themeasurement mode in a function type which is not the first one of the sequence, the followingmessage is displayed:SEQUENCE ERROREscape of the function and select either another function or another sequence mode.