XS series operating manualXS user manual v0.55 - 71 -Dielectric strength test error messagesThe following error messages may appear during the measurement:(message) SAFETY LOOPthe safety loop is not closed. There is no connection between the points 1-9 and 2-10 of the C5connector of the rear panel. Make the connection, press again on the [MEASUREMENT] green pushbutton to trigger the measurement mode.(message) VOLTAGE ERRORthe test voltage has not reached its final value (impedance of the specimen under test too low), in DCvoltage wait for the end of the charge, in AC voltage check with the current specifications of the powersupply. In case of over heating a built-in thermal switch cuts off the high voltage generator.Wait for 3-5 minutes before going on.(message) Iduring the HOLD time, the leakage current flowing through the specimen under test has not reachedthe minimum value set by the IMIN parameter (possible bad connection of the test probe). This faultgives a bad (FAIL) test result even there is no breakdown.(message) SYNCHRO ERRORthe dielectric strength test board is not able to generate the sinusoidal signal which drives the HVtransformer.You cannot perform a test, get in contact with our Service department (+33 1 64 11 83 48)(message) BOARD NOT READYthe microprocessor board cannot communicate with the insulation resistance board.You cannot perform a measurement, get in contact with our Service department (+33 1 64 11 83 48)