XS series operating manualXS user manual v0.55 - 62 -IMIN and IMAX threshold adjustmentThe unit includes 2 comparison thresholds making possible to check if the specimen under test isgood or bad.The IMIN LIMIT defines the minimum current value which must flow through the specimen in order todetect a possible bad connection of the test probes on the specimen.The IMAX LIMIT defines the maximum current value which is allowed to flow through the specimenunder test.According to the selected breakdown detection mode, a specimen is good (PASS) if the suppliedcurrent is < IMAX LIMIT and > IMIN LIMIT, otherwise the specimen is declared bad (FAIL).The thresholds are adjustable from 0.00 mA up to 9.99 mA for 50VA, from 0.00 mA up to99.9 mA for 500VA, and from 0.0μA to 1000μA for SXS16.A IMIN LIMIT set to 0.00 mA cancels the comparison to the minimum current threshold.Move the reverse video line in front of the IMAX LIMIT linePress on the RIGHT arrow or ENTER keyDisplay shows :Fig 8.8Select the number to be modified by moving the cursor with the RIGHT/LEFT arrow keysIncrease or decrease the value with respectively the UP and the DOWN arrow keys (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89. 0 1 2 3 etc)Repeat operation for all the numbers if necessaryEnter the threshold with the ENTER keyWARNING :Start always by setting the IMAX limit. The IMAX LIMIT must be always higher than the IMINLIMIT, otherwise an error message is displayed :IMAX LIMIT < IMIN LIMIT To set the IMIN LIMIT value proceeds the same way as for the IMAX LIMIT.WARNING: the IMIN LIMIT must be always lower than the IMAX LIMIT, otherwise an error messageis displayed :IMIN LIMIT > IMAX LIMIT