XS series operating manualXS user manual v0.55 - 60 -Breakdown detection mode selectionFig 8.6It is possible to select various breakdown detection mode.Current variation mode : IThe TEST detector automatically carries out the subtraction between the current which flowsnormally in the device under test (I=U/Z) and the one which occurs at the time of a fault (I'=I+Ifault).Maximum current limit : IMAXThe unit monitors permanently the current flowing through the sample under test and comparesaccording the 2 following possibilities:The high limit ( IMAX) > 0 , the low limit (IMIN) is set to 0 If the measured current is > or = to the IMAX, then the test is FAIL ( breakdown)The high limit ( IMAX) > 0 , the low limit (IMIN) is set to a value < IMAX If the measured current is < IMAX and > IMIN then the test is PASS, otherwise the testis FAIL ( breakdown or I < IMIN)WARNING :This detection mode can require between 200 and 300 msec. for the limit detection, andduring this time the current can increase quickly over the limit .Fast maximum current limit : F(ast)IMAXSpecifications are identical to the IMAX detection mode .However in the FIMAX mode the breakdown detection is fastest (20 msec.) than in IMAX modebecause the comparison with the current limit is performed directly by electronic circuits and notby the embedded software. The comparison accuracy is lower than the IMAX mode.Fast maximum current and variation current limit : FIMAX + IThis mode combines the FIMAX mode and the Delta I mode.