Eaton ePDU G3 Operation Manual P-164000277—Rev 5 35Chapter 4 Operation OverviewThis chapter describes the Eaton Enclosure Power Distribution Unit (ePDU) G3 operation overview.Operation InterfacesThe type of model you are using dictates the level of ePDU operation control you have. You can configure,manage, or monitor the ePDU through a local interface (onboard the ePDU) or through remote interfaces(through the network):l Configure (All except Basic). Basic configuration is available for some settings through the LCD menuonboard the ePDU. Full configuration of all settings is available through the remote Web and CommandLanguage Interpreter (CLI) interfaces.l Monitor (All except Basic). You can monitor measurements using either the local or Web remoteinterfaces.l Manage (For Switched (SW) and Managed (MA) ePDUs only). You can use the Web interface to monitorthe ePDU and manage outlets and groups of outlets. Outlets that are in the same user-defined group can beturned on, turned off, rebooted, and scheduled to perform actions in a synchronized manner.Local Operation InterfaceThe LCD provides information about the ePDU and connected devices using white text on a blue background.The LCD display flashes red when any alarm is active.The LCD display orientation can be changed using an LCD or CLI setting. The display can be rotated 90°, 180°,or –90° (270°). See “Display Submenu” on page 62 or see Example 2 in “set command” on page 75 for moreinformation.LCD DisplayThe LCD display has three modes:l Screensaver Mode (startup screen)Screensaver mode cycles through a set sequence of screens that display current PDU values. Currentvalues are refreshed every five seconds. The user cannot select a custom sequence of screens.l Energy Saving ModeThis mode is activated manually. The backlight is turned off to conserve energy. The screen darkens. Thescreen reactivates when any button is pushed or when an active alarm occurs.l LCD Main Menu ModeThe settings that display under each high level (main) menu depend on your ePDU model.Status DisplayWhen the screensaver is activated, it displays a set of up-to-date values. However, this set of values is notuser-configurable.To selectively view values, navigate through the LCD interface using the buttons on the frontpanel.For example, selecting ePDU from the Meter submenu and then selecting Total Input from the ePDU Metersubmenu displays total input values for the ePDU. Figure 32 is an example of the display for a 1Ph ePDU.