Network Communication ConfigurationEaton ePDU G3 Operation Manual P-164000277—Rev 5 45Serial connection — Static IP addressUse the RJ45-to-DB9 serial cable that is provided to connect the computer to the ePDU. If your computer doesnot have a DB9 (RS-232) connector, a USB-to-RS-232 adapter can be purchased separately. Access the CLIusing a terminal emulation program such as HyperTerminal, PuTTY, or TeraTerm.To set up the serial port using your selected terminal emulation program, use the following settings:l Bits per second: 9600l Data bits: 8l Parity: Nonel Stop bits: 1l Flow Control: NoneAfter establishing a serial connection, perform the following steps:1. In the terminal emulator session window, enter the default user name (admin) at the login prompt. Forexample:Enter Login: adminEnter Password:2. Type admin (default) at the password prompt. Press Enter.The CLI uses a “get” command to return thevalue of a setting and a “set” command to change the value of a setting. For example:PDU#0>set System.Network.DHCP 0PDU#0>get System.Network.DHCP03. Type set System.Network.DHCP 0 and press Enter to modify the value (0 = disabled and 1= enabled). Forexample:PDU#0>set System.Network.DHCP 004. Set the IP address to a value provided by your system administrator.PDU#0>set System.Network.IPAddress If necessary, set the network Subnet Mask to the value required by your system administrator.PDU#0>set System.Network.IPMask 255.255.yyy.yyy255.255.yyy.yyy6. Set the network Gateway to the value required by your system administrator.PDU#0>set System.Network.IPGateway zzz.zzz.zzz.zzzzzz.zzz.zzz.zzz7. Wait 10 seconds. Use the reset button to restart the eNMC module and apply the new settings.NOTE You can also connect up to four ePDUs together using the Daisy Chain port and anRJ-45 splitter (provided). This enables multiple ePDUs to communicate over oneEthernet port.