3-186 UR FAMILY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDEMODEL IMPLEMENTATION CONFORMANCE STATEMENT (MICS) CHAPTER 3: IEC 61850 COMMUNICATION3Table 3-199: B90 AC channel metering frequency data objects3.5.5.4 Demand metering (DmdMtr)This element is instantiated in the following products: B30, C60, D60, F35, F60, G60, L60, L90, N60, T60.Table 3-200: Demand metering data objectsLNName: B_FrqMMXN1 LDevice inst: Meter UR element: B90 Metering for frequencydata obj. data attribute Type FC UR Name Description R/W/CHz MV Frequency in Hz RinstMag AnalogueValue MX RinstMag.f FLOAT32 FREQUENCY RMag AnalogueValue MX Rmag.f FLOAT32 instMag.i deadbanded Runits Unit CF Runits.SIUnit ENUMERATED 33, the code for hertz (1/s) Runits.multiplier ENUMERATED 0, the code for a multiplier of 1 Rdb INT32U CF B_FrqMMXN1.Hz.db R/W/CzeroDb INT32U CF 0 RTrcHz MV Tracking Frequency in Hz RinstMag AnalogueValue MX RinstMag.f FLOAT32 TRACKING FREQUENCY RMag AnalogueValue MX Rmag.f FLOAT32 instMag.i deadbanded RUnits Unit CF Runits.SIUnit ENUMERATED 33, the code for hertz (1/s) Runits.multiplier ENUMERATED 0, the code for a multiplier of 1 Rdb INT32U CF B_FrqMMXN1.TrcHz.db R/W/CzeroDb INT32U CF 0 RLNName: DmdMtrMMTR# LDevice inst: Meter UR element: Signal Source # NAME Demand Meteringdata obj. data attribute Type FC UR Name Description R/W/CClcExp SPS Status information to indicate thecalculation period has expiredRstVal BOOLEAN ST TRUE | FALSE RClcMth ENG Calculation method of statistical dataobjectsRsetVal ENUMERATED SP UNSPECIFIED RInSyn ORG Only instantiated in DmdMtrMMTR1 RsetSrcRef ObjectReference SP DEMAND TRIGGER reference to the data attribute to input R/CsetSrcCB ObjectReference SP source GoCB of input if via GOOSE R/CRsStat SPC Only instantiated in DmdMtrMMTR1.Clears demand for all sources.R/CtrlpulseConfig PulseConfig CF RpulseConfig.cmdQualENUMERATED 0 (pulse) RpulseConfig.onDur INT32U 0 indicates the duration is locally defined RpulseConfig.offDurINT32U 0 RpulseConfig.numPlsINT32U 1 RctlModel CtlModels CF DmdMtrMMTR1.RsStat.ctlModel R/CsboTimeout INT32U CF 30000 RsboClass SboClasses CF 0 (operate-once) RoperTimeout INT32U CF 0 RAaDmd MV SRC # DMD IA, in primary amperes R