CHAPTER 3: IEC 61850 COMMUNICATION MODEL IMPLEMENTATION CONFORMANCE STATEMENT (MICS)UR FAMILY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE 3-2193PhDir1 SPS Indicates Phase Comparison of differential is satisfied per phase, where the lastdigit of instance number 1, 2, or 3 refers to phase A, B, and C respectively.The BUS 1 DIR A/B/C operand.The STATOR DIFF1 DIR A/B/C operand.B_DifPDIF, BusDifPDIF,SttDifPDIFPhsAInd SPS An LED.The LED PHASE A operand.LEDsIHMIPhsBInd SPS An LED.The LED PHASE B operand.LEDsIHMIPhsCInd SPS An LED.The LED PHASE C operand.LEDsIHMIPlOpn ACT Open pole detector is operated.The OPEN POLE OP operand.OpnPlΘSCBRPosTotVArh MV SRC 1 Total VAr-hour in positive direction EnrMtrMMTRPosTotWh MV SRC 1 Total Watt-hour in positive direction EnrMtrMMTRProcBusFail SPS Process bus system status.The PROCESS BUS FAILURE operand.LPHDProcBusTrbl SPS Process bus trouble.The PROCESS BUS TROUBLE operand.LPHDProjectedDif MV Phase angle difference between V1 and projected V2 (V2').SYNCHROCHECK 1 DELTA PHASE', in degrees which is the phase angle differencebetween V1 and projected V2.SynChkRSYNProjectedV1 CMV Projected V2 Voltage phasor.SYNCHROCHECK 1 V2' voltage phasor, in primary volts.SynChkRSYNPtpFail SPS Bad PTP Signal.The PTP FAILURE operand.LPHDRaise SPS PID 1 RAISE operand value PIDRegFPIDRawAnsp MV Raw neutral split phase current. Raw INsp in per unit. NeAUnPTOCRawAPh WYE Raw Id in per unit for Phase A, B, and C PhAUnPTOCRecBlk SPS Manually block autoreclose.The BREAKER 1 BLK RCLS operand.Bkr0XCBRRecEna SPS Manually enable autoreclose.The BREAKER 1 ENA RCLS operand.Bkr0XCBRRefWinding INS Reference winding. Number of windings used as the reference winding for ratiocompensation.PctDifPDIFRelDpo SPS This data object indicates that not all criteria are fulfilled, and the switching/operation action is not released to proceed. Complement of Rel.The SYNC 1 CLS DPO operand, which becomes Off when all synchrocheck criteriaare fulfilled.SynChkRSYNRemCmdAcsOff SPS Indicates operations of FlexLogic operand ACCESS REM CMND OFF SecGSALRemCmdAcsOn SPS Indicates operations of FlexLogic operand ACCESS REM CMND ON SecGSALRemMod SPS Capacitor control in remote mode.The CAP 1 IN REMOTE operand.CapCtlGAPCRemSetAcsOff SPS Indicates operations of FlexLogic operand ACCESS REM SETG OFF SecGSALRemSetAcsOn SPS Indicates operations of FlexLogic operand ACCESS REM SETG ON SecGSALRemUnA SPS Indicates remote open pole condition is detected in phase A, B, or C.The OPEN POLE REM OP phase A/B/C operand.OpnPlΘSCBRReSigma SPC Command for the Hi-Z Sigma Value Reset HiZPHIZRestart SPS Indicates the motor has restarted.The MOTOR RESTART operand.MotThmPTTRRgDstIP VSG Expected value of Destination IP address field in messages subscribed to byRxGOOSE#. The multicast IP address of subscribed R-GOOSE message.LGOSRgRxMode ENG R-RxGOOSE1 Reception Mode setting: 0 = Unicast, 1 = SSM; 2=ASM LGOSRgSrcIP VSG Expected value of Source IP address field in messages subscribed to byRxGOOSE#. The source IP address of subscribed R-GOOSE message.LGOSData objectnameCDC Semantics Used in logical nodes…