CHAPTER 3: IEC 61850 COMMUNICATION G2 IMPLEMENTATION MODEL FOR GOOSE CONFIGURATION VIA SCLUR FAMILY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE 3-2433Each GSE element is to contain one Address element, one MinTime element, and one MaxTime element. The Mintimeelement contains the factory-configured value of the sending delay on a data change between the first immediatesending of the change and the first repetition (the value of T1 in IEC 61850 8 1:2011 Figure 8). The Maxtime elementcontains the factory-configured value of the source supervision time in ms (within this time a failed message from thesource is to be detected by the client, some multiple of the time T0 in IEC 61850 8 1:2011 Figure 8).Each of the Address elements of the previous paragraph is to contain four P elements: one with type="MAC-Address"containing the factory configured destination address of the GOOSE message, one with type="APPID" containing theApplication Identification number as four hexadecimal characters, one with type="VLAN-ID" containing the VLAN IDnumber as three hexadecimal characters, and one with type="VLAN-PRIORITY" containing the VLAN priority code.Each GSE element in a given ConnectedAP element is to reference a different GOOSE control block using its cbName andldInst element attributes. GSE elements in different ConnectedAP elements can reference the same GOOSE control blockprovided all GSE elements referencing a given GOOSE control block have the same address and time values. IED elementThe IED element is to have an element attribute name with a value equal to the factory-configured IED name, which is"TEMPLATE".The IED element is to contain one Services element. This Services element is to contain a GSESettings element havingelement attributes cbName, datSet, and appID. The values of each of these element attributes are to be "Fix", "Conf", or"Dyn", depending on how the GOOSE control block attributes GoCBName, DatSet, and GoID can be modified. The value isto be "Conf" when the element attribute value can be modified via CID file transfer to the IED but not via MMScommunication services, "Dyn" when the element attribute value can be modified via MMS communication services andvia CID file transfer to the IED, and otherwise is to be "Fix".The Services element also contains a GOOSE element having element attribute max. The value of this element attribute isset to the maximum number of GOOSE control blocks that the IED can support (max="0" means the IED is only a GOOSEsubscriber).The Services element is not to contain a ClientServices element with element attribute called goose.The IED element also contains one AccessPoint element corresponding to each ConnectedAP element required for theCommunication element. Each of these AccessPoint elements is to contain a Services element that in turn contains aClientServices element having element attribute goose="true". Each of these AccessPoint elements also is to contain oneGOOSE element. These GOOSE elements are to have element attribute max with value equal to the number of GOOSEmessages that can be transmitted on the port. The IED element can contain other AccessPoint elements, but these are tohave a ClientServices element having element attribute goose="false".One of the AccessPoint elements is to contain one Server element. All other AccessPoint elements are to contain oneServerAt element having element attribute apName with value equal to the name of the AccessPoint element containingthe Server element.The Server element is to contain at least one LDevice element. Each LDevice element is to contain one LN0 element.The LN0 elements are to contain amongst them a GSEControl element for each GOOSE control block that the IED iscapable of implementing. In cases where the IED element contains multiple LN0 elements, the GSEControl elements can bedistributed among the LN0 elements in any fashion.Each GSEControl element is to have element attributes name, appID, and confRev. In cases where there is a factory-configured GOOSE dataset, the GSEControl element also is to have element attribute datSet. The datSet element attributeis to be omitted where the dataset is not factory-configured. The value of these element attributes are to be the factoryconfigured values of the GOOSE control block attributes GoCBName, GoID, and ConfRev respectively. If element attributedatSet exists, its value is to be the factory-configured value of the GOOSE control block attribute DatSet.Each GSEControl element having a datSet attribute is to have a corresponding DataSet element located in the same LN0element as the GSEControl element. Each DataSet element is to contain an FCDA element for each factory-configuredmember of the dataset. The FCDA elements can reference any data attribute defined in the Server element that the IED iscapable of publishing via GOOSE. FCDA elements are not to reference data objects (that is, omit the daName elementattribute) except where the IED and all subscribing IEDs are capable of using such in GOOSE messages.