3-216 UR FAMILY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDEMODEL IMPLEMENTATION CONFORMANCE STATEMENT (MICS) CHAPTER 3: IEC 61850 COMMUNICATION3InjAmp MV Injected current.SH INJECTION AMPS in amperes.SubHaPHIZInjVol MV Injected voltage.INJECTED VOLTAGE in volts.SH INJECTION VOLTS in volts.FldGnd0PHIZ, SubHaPHIZInService SPS LED indication - Relay In-service. The LED IN SERVICE operand. LEDsIHMIIntermSt1 SPS Intermediate-status detected.The BREAKER/SWITCH INTERM operand.BkrΘXCBR, DiscΘXSWI,GGIO3IntrAlm SPS Indicates that the current exceeded the maximum interrupting current ratingduring the last interruption event.The BKR ARC 1 MAX OP operand.CBArc0SCBRIntrAlmDpo SPS Inverse of IntrAlm.The BKR ARC 1 MAX DPO operand.CBArc0SCBRIrigbFail SPS A bad IRIG-B input signal has been detected.The IRIG-B FAILURE operand.LPHDIsoBlk ACT B90 - Indicates that the isolator position is invalid B_IsoSSWIIsOn SPS Indicates the time of day timer is on.The TIME OF DAY 1 ON operand.TmDayGAPCIsoPos ACT B90 - Indicates position of isolator. When "On", the related current is included indifferential zone; when "Off", the current is excluded from differential calculations.B_IsoSSWILastClrTm INS Represents the UTC time of user fault reports last cleared time in seconds elapsedsince 1970/01/01, 00.00.00.The LAST CLEARED DATE actual value.UFlt0RFLOLastRptTm INS Represents the UTC time of last user fault report generated time in secondselapsed since 1970/01/01, 00.00.00.The LAST REPORT DATE actual value.UFlt0RFLOLastSqNum INS Last sequence number received.Actual value RxGOOSE1 SqNum.LGOSLatchErr SPS A difference is detected between the wanted and actual latch contact state.The LATCHING OUT ERROR operand.LPHDLeoSt SPS Line end open status.The LINE PICKUP LEO PKP operand.LinPkpPIOCLivDea SPS This data object indicates that live/dead conditions have been met.The SYNC 1 DEAD S OP operand, which indicates that live/dead conditions havebeen met.SynChkRSYNLivDeaDpo SPS This data object indicates that live/dead conditions have not been met.The SYNC 1 DEAD S DPO operand, which indicates that live/dead conditions havenot been met.SynChkRSYNLivLiv SPS This data object indicates that both sources are live, and that angle, frequency,and voltage difference and range conditions have been met.The SYNC 1 SYNC OP operand, which indicates that both sources are live, and thatangle, frequency, and voltage difference and range conditions have been met.SynChkRSYNLivLivDpo SPS This data object indicates that one or both sources are not live, or that angle,frequency, and voltage difference and range conditions have been met.The SYNC 1 SYNC DPO operand, which indicates that one or both sources are notlive, or that angle, frequency, and voltage difference and range conditions havebeen met.SynChkRSYNLivV1 SPS This data object indicates that V1 is above the LivVal1 setting.The SYNC 1 V1 ABOVE MIN operand, which indicates that V1 is above the LivVal1setting.SynChkRSYNLoadDev MV Indicates the motor load standard deviation at the time of the broken rotor bardata acquisition stage.LOAD DEV. AT BRB CALC. in x FLA.BknRotSVBRLocCmdAcsOff SPS Indicates operations of FlexLogic operand ACCESS LOC CMND OFF SecGSALLocCmdAcsOn SPS Indicates operations of FlexLogic operand ACCESS LOC CMND ON SecGSALLocMod SPS Capacitor control in local mode.The CAP 1 IN LOCAL operand.CapCtlGAPCData objectnameCDC Semantics Used in logical nodes…