GE Multilin D30 Line Distance Relay 5-735 SETTINGS 5.4 FLEXLOGIC™5Some operands can be re-named by the user. These are the names of the breakers in the breaker control feature, the ID(identification) of contact inputs, the ID of virtual inputs, and the ID of virtual outputs. If the user changes the default name/ID of any of these operands, the assigned name will appear in the relay list of operands. The default names are shown inthe FlexLogic™ operands table above.The characteristics of the logic gates are tabulated below, and the operators available in FlexLogic™ are listed in the Flex-Logic™ operators table.RESETTING RESET OPRESET OP (COMMS)RESET OP (OPERAND)RESET OP (PUSHBUTTON)Reset command is operated (set by all 3 operands below)Communications source of the reset commandOperand (assigned in the INPUTS/OUTPUTS ÖØ RESETTING menu)sourceof the reset commandReset key (pushbutton) source of the reset commandSELF-DIAGNOSTICSANY MAJOR ERRORANY MINOR ERRORANY SELF-TESTBATTERY FAILDIRECT DEVICE OFFDIRECT RING BREAKDSP ERROREEPROM DATA ERROREQUIPMENT MISMATCHFLEXLOGIC ERR TOKENIRIG-B FAILURELATCHING OUT ERRORLOW ON MEMORYNO DSP INTERRUPTSPRI ETHERNET FAILPROGRAM MEMORYPROTOTYPE FIRMWAREREMOTE DEVICE OFFSEC ETHERNET FAILSNTP FAILURESYSTEM EXCEPTIONUNIT NOT CALIBRATEDUNIT NOT PROGRAMMEDWATCHDOG ERRORAny of the major self-test errors generated (major error)Any of the minor self-test errors generated (minor error)Any self-test errors generated (generic, any error)See description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsSee description in Chapter 7: Commands and TargetsUNAUTHORIZEDACCESS ALARMUNAUTHORIZED ACCESS Asserted when a password entry fails while accessing a password-protectedlevel of the relay.USER-PROGRAMMABLEPUSHBUTTONSPUSHBUTTON 1 ONPUSHBUTTON 1 OFFANY PB ONPushbutton number 1 is in the “On” positionPushbutton number 1 is in the “Off” positionAny of twelve pushbuttons is in the “On” positionPUSHBUTTON 2 to 12 Same set of operands as PUSHBUTTON 1Table 5–6: FLEXLOGIC™ GATE CHARACTERISTICSGATES NUMBER OF INPUTS OUTPUT IS ‘1’ (= ON) IF...NOT 1 input is ‘0’OR 2 to 16 any input is ‘1’AND 2 to 16 all inputs are ‘1’NOR 2 to 16 all inputs are ‘0’NAND 2 to 16 any input is ‘0’XOR 2 only one input is ‘1’Table 5–5: D30 FLEXLOGIC™ OPERANDS (Sheet 6 of 6)OPERAND TYPE OPERAND SYNTAX OPERAND DESCRIPTION