GE Multilin D30 Line Distance Relay 5-1315 SETTINGS 5.5 GROUPED ELEMENTS5b) GROUND TIME OVERCURRENT (ANSI 51G)PATH: SETTINGS ÖØ GROUPED ELEMENTS Ö SETTING GROUP 1(6) ÖØ GROUND CURRENT Ö GROUND TOC1(2)This element can provide a desired time-delay operating characteristic versus the applied current or be used as a simpledefinite time element. The ground current input value is the quantity measured by the ground input CT and is the funda-mental phasor or RMS magnitude. Two methods of resetting operation are available: “Timed” and “Instantaneous” (refer tothe Inverse time overcurrent curve characteristics section for details). When the element is blocked, the time accumulatorwill reset according to the reset characteristic. For example, if the element reset characteristic is set to “Instantaneous” andthe element is blocked, the time accumulator will be cleared immediately.These elements measure the current that is connected to the ground channel of a CT/VT module. The conversionrange of a standard channel is from 0.02 to 46 times the CT rating.This channel may be also equipped with a sensitive input. The conversion range of a sensitive channel is from0.002 to 4.6 times the CT rating.Figure 5–72: GROUND TOC1 SCHEME LOGIC GROUND TOC1GROUND TOC1FUNCTION: DisabledRange: Disabled, EnabledMESSAGE GROUND TOC1 SIGNALSOURCE: SRC 1Range: SRC 1, SRC 2MESSAGE GROUND TOC1INPUT: PhasorRange: Phasor, RMSMESSAGE GROUND TOC1PICKUP: 1.000 puRange: 0.000 to 30.000 pu in steps of 0.001MESSAGE GROUND TOC1CURVE: IEEE Mod InvRange: see the Overcurrent Curve Types tableMESSAGE GROUND TOC1TD MULTIPLIER: 1.00Range: 0.00 to 600.00 in steps of 0.01MESSAGE GROUND TOC1RESET: InstantaneousRange: Instantaneous, TimedMESSAGE GROUND TOC1 BLOCK:OffRange: FlexLogic™ operandMESSAGE GROUND TOC1TARGET: Self-resetRange: Self-reset, Latched, DisabledMESSAGE GROUND TOC1EVENTS: DisabledRange: Disabled, EnabledNOTENOTESETTINGGROUND TOC1FUNCTION:Disabled = 0Enabled = 1SETTINGGROUND TOC1SOURCE:IGGROUND TOC1BLOCK:Off = 0FLEXLOGIC OPERANDSGROUND TOC1 DPOGROUND TOC1 OPGROUND TOC1CURVE:GROUND TOC1TD MULTIPLIER:GROUND TOC 1RESET:SETTINGSSETTINGIG ≥ PICKUPItGROUND TOC1PICKUP:RUN827036A3.VSDGROUND TOC1INPUT:ANDGROUND TOC1 PKP