GE Multilin D30 Line Distance Relay B-67APPENDIX B B.4 MEMORY MAPPINGBF500UR_UINT16: PACKED BITFIELDFirst register indicates input/output state with bits 0 (MSB) to 15(LSB) corresponding to input/output state 1 to 16. The second reg-ister indicates input/output state with bits 0 to 15 corresponding toinput/output state 17 to 32 (if required) The third register indicatesinput/output state with bits 0 to 15 corresponding to input/outputstate 33 to 48 (if required). The fourth register indicates input/out-put state with bits 0 to 15 corresponding to input/output state 49 to64 (if required).The number of registers required is determined by the specificdata item. A bit value of 0 = Off and 1 = On.F501UR_UINT16: LED STATUSLow byte of register indicates LED status with bit 0 representingthe top LED and bit 7 the bottom LED. A bit value of 1 indicatesthe LED is on, 0 indicates the LED is off.F502BITFIELD: ELEMENT OPERATE STATESEach bit contains the operate state for an element. See the F124format code for a list of element IDs. The operate bit for element IDX is bit [X mod 16] in register [X/16].F504BITFIELD: 3-PHASE ELEMENT STATEF505BITFIELD: CONTACT OUTPUT STATE0 = Contact State, 1 = Voltage Detected, 2 = Current DetectedF506|BITFIELD: 1 PHASE ELEMENT STATE0 = Pickup, 1 = OperateF507BITFIELD: COUNTER ELEMENT STATE0 = Count Greater Than, 1 = Count Equal To, 2 = Count Less ThanF508BITFIELD: DISTANCE ELEMENT STATEF509BITFIELD: SIMPLE ELEMENT STATE0 = OperateF511BITFIELD: 3-PHASE SIMPLE ELEMENT STATE0 = Operate, 1 = Operate A, 2 = Operate B, 3 = Operate CF513ENUMERATION: POWER SWING MODE0 = Two Step, 1 = Three StepF514ENUMERATION: POWER SWING TRIP MODE0 = Delayed, 1 = EarlyF515ENUMERATION ELEMENT INPUT MODE0 = Signed, 1 = AbsoluteF516ENUMERATION ELEMENT COMPARE MODE0 = Level, 1 = DeltaF517ENUMERATION: ELEMENT DIRECTION OPERATION0 = Over, 1 = UnderF518ENUMERATION: FLEXELEMENT™ UNITS0 = Milliseconds, 1 = Seconds, 2 = Minutesbitmask element state0 Pickup1 Operate2 Pickup Phase A3 Pickup Phase B4 Pickup Phase C5 Operate Phase A6 Operate Phase B7 Operate Phase Cbitmask distance element state0 Pickup1 Operate2 Pickup AB3 Pickup BC4 Pickup CA5 Operate AB6 Operate BC7 Operate CA8 Timed9 Operate IAB10 Operate IBC11 Operate ICA