B-56 D30 Line Distance Relay GE MultilinB.4 MEMORY MAPPING APPENDIX BBF116ENUMERATION: NEUTRAL OVERVOLTAGE CURVES0 = Definite Time, 1 = FlexCurve™ A, 2 = FlexCurve™ B,3 = FlexCurve™ CF117ENUMERATION: NUMBER OF OSCILLOGRAPHY RECORDS0 = 1×72 cycles, 1 = 3×36 cycles, 2 = 7×18 cycles, 3 = 15×9 cyclesF118ENUMERATION: OSCILLOGRAPHY MODE0 = Automatic Overwrite, 1 = ProtectedF119ENUMERATION: FLEXCURVE™ PICKUP RATIOSF120ENUMERATION: DISTANCE SHAPE0 = Mho, 1 = QuadF122ENUMERATION: ELEMENT INPUT SIGNAL TYPE0 = Phasor, 1 = RMSF123ENUMERATION: CT SECONDARY0 = 1 A, 1 = 5 AF124ENUMERATION: LIST OF ELEMENTSmask value mask value mask value mask value0 0.00 30 0.88 60 2.90 90 5.901 0.05 31 0.90 61 3.00 91 6.002 0.10 32 0.91 62 3.10 92 6.503 0.15 33 0.92 63 3.20 93 7.004 0.20 34 0.93 64 3.30 94 7.505 0.25 35 0.94 65 3.40 95 8.006 0.30 36 0.95 66 3.50 96 8.507 0.35 37 0.96 67 3.60 97 9.008 0.40 38 0.97 68 3.70 98 9.509 0.45 39 0.98 69 3.80 99 10.0010 0.48 40 1.03 70 3.90 100 10.5011 0.50 41 1.05 71 4.00 101 11.0012 0.52 42 1.10 72 4.10 102 11.5013 0.54 43 1.20 73 4.20 103 12.0014 0.56 44 1.30 74 4.30 104 12.5015 0.58 45 1.40 75 4.40 105 13.0016 0.60 46 1.50 76 4.50 106 13.5017 0.62 47 1.60 77 4.60 107 14.0018 0.64 48 1.70 78 4.70 108 14.5019 0.66 49 1.80 79 4.80 109 15.0020 0.68 50 1.90 80 4.90 110 15.5021 0.70 51 2.00 81 5.00 111 16.0022 0.72 52 2.10 82 5.10 112 16.5023 0.74 53 2.20 83 5.20 113 17.0024 0.76 54 2.30 84 5.30 114 17.5025 0.78 55 2.40 85 5.40 115 18.0026 0.80 56 2.50 86 5.50 116 18.5027 0.82 57 2.60 87 5.60 117 19.0028 0.84 58 2.70 88 5.70 118 19.5029 0.86 59 2.80 89 5.80 119 20.00bitmask element0 Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent 11 Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent 216 Phase Time Overcurrent 117 Phase Time Overcurrent 224 Phase Directional Overcurrent 125 Phase Directional Overcurrent 232 Neutral Instantaneous Overcurrent 133 Neutral Instantaneous Overcurrent 248 Neutral Time Overcurrent 149 Neutral Time Overcurrent 256 Neutral Directional Overcurrent 157 Neutral Directional Overcurrent 260 Negative Sequence Directional Overcurrent 161 Negative Sequence Directional Overcurrent 264 Ground Instantaneous Overcurrent 165 Ground Instantaneous Overcurrent 280 Ground Time Overcurrent 181 Ground Time Overcurrent 296 Negative Sequence Instantaneous Overcurrent 197 Negative Sequence Instantaneous Overcurrent 2101 Opposite Phase Rotation112 Negative Sequence Time Overcurrent 1113 Negative Sequence Time Overcurrent 2120 Negative Sequence Overvoltage140 Auxiliary Undervoltage 1144 Phase Undervoltage 1145 Phase Undervoltage 2148 Auxiliary Overvoltage 1152 Phase Overvoltage 1156 Neutral Overvoltage 1160 Phase Distance Zone 1161 Phase Distance Zone 2162 Phase Distance Zone 3168 Line Pickup172 Ground Distance Zone 1173 Ground Distance Zone 2174 Ground Distance Zone 3180 Load Enchroachment190 Power Swing Detect224 SRC1 VT Fuse Failure