GE Multilin D30 Line Distance Relay 5-875 SETTINGS 5.5 GROUPED ELEMENTS5by an undervoltage condition, which in turn is controlled by the VT FUSE FAIL OP operand with a 10 ms coordination timer. Ifa trip from distance in not required, then it can be disabled with the LINE PICKUP DISTANCE TRIP setting. Configure the LINEPICKUP RCL TRIP operand to perform a trip action if the intent is apply zone 1 extension.The zone 1 extension philosophy used here normally operates from an under-reaching zone, and uses an overreachingdistance zone when reclosing the line with the other line end open. The AR ACCELERATE setting is provided to achievezone 1 extension functionality if external autoreclosure is employed. Another zone 1 extension approach is to permanentlyapply an overreaching zone, and reduce the reach when reclosing. This philosophy can be programmed via the autore-close scheme.Figure 5–38: LINE PICKUP SCHEME LOGIC